Admission to Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe: A Journey Through Science and Discovery


In the heart of Valencia’s City of Arts and Sciences, the Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe stands as a monument to the wonders of science. This interactive museum, with its striking architecture and hands-on exhibits, invites visitors of all ages to explore, learn, and engage with science in an entirely new way. If you’re curious about the world around you and eager to discover the marvels of science and technology, book now for an unforgettable experience at Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe.

Architectural Marvel: A Modern Science Palace

  1. Stunning Design: Designed by the renowned architect Santiago Calatrava, the museum’s architecture is a work of art in itself. Its skeletal structure and futuristic design make it a landmark in Valencia.
  2. Spacious Exhibits: Spread across several floors, the museum’s vast, open-plan design creates an airy and inviting space for exploration and learning.

Interactive Exhibits: Engaging the Mind and Senses

  1. Hands-On Learning: The museum is famous for its interactive approach to science education. Visitors can engage with exhibits that cover a wide range of scientific disciplines, from biology and physics to technology and space exploration.
  2. Constantly Evolving Displays: With an ever-changing array of temporary exhibits and permanent displays, the museum stays at the forefront of scientific discovery and innovation.

Educational Programs: For All Ages

  1. Workshops and Demonstrations: Participate in engaging workshops and live demonstrations that make complex scientific concepts accessible and exciting.
  2. Family-Friendly Learning: The museum offers a range of activities designed for children, making it an ideal destination for families.

Accessibility and Visitor Comfort

  1. Easy Access: The museum is designed to be accessible to all visitors, with ramps, lifts, and tactile exhibits for those with mobility or sensory impairments.
  2. Amenities: On-site amenities include a café, a gift shop, and rest areas, ensuring a comfortable visit.

Location: In the Heart of Valencia’s City of Arts and Sciences

  1. Iconic Setting: Situated in Valencia’s City of Arts and Sciences, visitors can also explore other attractions in the complex, including the Oceanogràfic aquarium and the Hemisfèric.
  2. Beautiful Surroundings: The museum is surrounded by stunning water features and green spaces, perfect for a relaxing stroll.

Making the Most of Your Visit

  1. Plan Ahead: Check the museum’s schedule for special exhibitions, workshops, and events to make the most of your visit.
  2. Guided Tours: Opt for a guided tour for a more in-depth understanding of the exhibits and the museum’s architectural significance.


A visit to Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe is more than just a day at a museum; it’s an immersive journey into the world of science and discovery. It’s a place where curiosity is kindled, knowledge is shared, and the future of science is embraced. Whether you’re a science enthusiast, a family with kids, or simply looking for an enriching experience, the museum offers something for everyone. Ready to explore the wonders of science? Book now and step into a world of discovery at Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe.