Japan takes steps to address overtourism as tourist numbers rebound

Japan is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and its visitor numbers have been soaring in recent years. In 2019, a record 31.88 million people visited Japan, and the government is expecting that number to continue to grow in the coming years.

However, with increasing tourism comes a number of challenges, including overtourism. Overtourism is defined as the negative impacts of tourism on a destination, such as congestion, pollution, and damage to cultural heritage.

Japan is not immune to overtourism. In fact, some of its most popular tourist destinations, such as Kyoto and Tokyo, have been struggling to cope with the influx of visitors.

In response to the growing problem of overtourism, the Japanese government has revealed a new plan to tackle the issue. The plan, which was announced in October 2023, outlines a number of measures that will be taken to reduce the negative impacts of tourism and promote sustainable tourism development.

One of the key measures in the plan is the introduction of a new tourist tax. The tax will be charged to all foreign visitors to Japan and will be used to fund initiatives to improve infrastructure and promote sustainable tourism development.

The plan also includes a number of other measures, such as:

  • Expanding bus and taxi fleets in popular tourist destinations
  • Introducing direct bus routes from key stations to popular visitor destinations
  • Increasing fare prices during the busiest times to encourage travel during non-peak hours
  • Promoting lesser-known tourist destinations
  • Educating tourists about sustainable tourism practices

The Japanese government hopes that the new plan will help to reduce the negative impacts of overtourism and promote sustainable tourism development in the country.

How can tourists help to reduce overtourism in Japan?

There are a number of things that tourists can do to help reduce overtourism in Japan:

  • Visit during the off-season
  • Choose lesser-known tourist destinations
  • Book your accommodation and activities in advance
  • Use public transportation whenever possible
  • Be respectful of the local culture and environment
  • Support local businesses

By following these tips, tourists can help to ensure that Japan remains a sustainable and enjoyable destination for everyone.